5083 Aluminum Factory for Fuel Tanker

 5083 aluminum factory belongs to 5xxx Al-Mg alloy. It is a typical anti-rust aluminum plate with good corrosion resistance, excellent weldability, and good cold workability. Its common tempers are H111/H112/H116/H321. It is widely used to make tank body, baffle and bulkhead.

The quality 5083 aluminum sheet is a foundation for the transportation safety of all tanker trucks. Tank body is the core of every fuel tanker. The tanker material is the main reference factor for customers to choose high-quality tanker. The 5083 alloy aluminum is the most widely used aluminum tanker plate.

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Its main alloy element is magnesium, and the content of magnesium (Mg) can reach between 4.0% and 4.9%. Usually, the intermediate value of 4.5% is used in the production process. Therefore, 5083 aluminum plate is also called Almg4.5 aluminum alloy. It has good forming performance, good corrosion resistance and weldability,

5083 aluminum plate is of light weight, good rigidity and high strength. The 3.0mm thick aluminum plate weighs only 8kg per square and has a tensile strength of 100-280N/mm2, which is especially suitable for tank truck. 5083 has good corrosion resistance and stable chemical composition. It is suitable for all kinds of tankers.

EN AW 5083 h111 is often used for making tanker body. 5083-O is often used to make tanker head and baffle. Aluminum 5083 h111 features superior performance in extreme environment such as industrial chemical environment. Its strength can keep changing after welding.

Both 5754 aluminum plate and 5083 aluminum plate belong to aluminum-magnesium alloy. The main difference between the two is the content of magnesium alloy, hardness and elongation. The hardness of 5083 aluminum plate is higher than that of 5754 aluminum plate. Of course, the price of 5083 aluminum plate is relatively high.

Original Source:https://www.aluminumtankerplate.com/a/5083-aluminum-factory-for-fuel-tanker.html

Placa PS VS CTP Placas

 La placa utilizada en el proceso CTF es principalmente placa PS, que es una placa fotosensible prerrevestida, que se desarrolló para adaptarse al rápido desarrollo de la impresión litográfica y la impresión offset. La plancha PS presenta alta resolución, reproducción de puntos completos, capas ricas, equilibrio de tinta fácil de dominar y alta resistencia a la impresión. Es popular en la industria de la impresión.

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La placa PS para impresión offset es un tipo de material de placa de impresión offset fotosensible con estructura multicapa. Utiliza una placa de aluminio como soporte y la placa de aluminio se procesa mediante una variedad de procesos. La aleación común es la hoja de aluminio 1050 y 1060. Tiene las siguientes estructuras:

1. Partículas de superficie rugosa: Las partículas de superficie rugosa son necesarias para una buena placa de impresión. Pueden mejorar la adhesión a la película de exposición, acortar el tiempo de aspiración y reducir la aparición de halo.

2. Capa sensible: en comparación con los diferentes procesos de fabricación de planchas y los procesos de producción de cada fabricante de planchas, la capa fotosensible tendrá una variedad de características diferentes.

3.Capa hidrófila: Puede evitar que el recubrimiento fotosensible permanezca en los microporos de la capa anodizada, mejorando así las propiedades hidrófilas y evitando que la plancha de impresión se ensucie durante el proceso de impresión.

4.Capa anodizada: la dureza, la estabilidad química y la resistencia al desgaste de la placa de aluminio aumentan después del tratamiento de anodización.

5.Estructura de grano: El proceso de rugosidad electrolítica se utiliza para formar una estructura de grano fino en la superficie de la placa base de aluminio, lo que puede hacer que la placa de impresión tenga condiciones ideales de reproducción de puntos y buena hidrofilia.

6.Placa de aluminio: la placa de aluminio para hacer la placa de PS debe ser de tamaño estable, alta resistencia y alta pureza.

En comparación con la placa PS, existen más tipos y variedades de placas CTP. Los tipos principales son la sal de plata, la plancha de impresión térmica y de fotopolímero.

El revestimiento de la placa térmica CTP está compuesto por un polímero sensible a la temperatura o una capa de ablación, que es principalmente sensible a los láseres infrarrojos de 800 nm a 850 nm. Puede producir puntos limpios con bordes claros y básicamente sin expansión o contracción de puntos.

Además, la plancha térmica se puede hornear para mejorar la durabilidad de la impresión, lo que es adecuado para impresiones largas o impresiones con tinta UV. Por lo tanto, la tecnología térmica es más adecuada para su uso en el campo de la impresión comercial.

Original source: https://www.placadealuminio.es/a/placa-ps-vs-ctp-placas.html

Three Common Tempers of 5083 Aluminum Sheet Factory

 5083 Aluminum sheet factory belong 5xxx Al-Mg alloy. It is a typical anti-rust aluminum sheet with good corrosion resistance, excellent weldability, and good cold workability. The common tempers are H111, H116 and H321. They are widely used to make tank truck cylinder, automobile fuel tanks, bus skins, marine ships,etc.

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5083 aluminum plate is used to make different types of tanker vehicles include oil tankers, cement tankers, natural gas tankers, and sprinklers. increasing, and they are enthusiastically sought after by the public. The 5083 ultra-wide aluminum plate is the main alloy material for aluminum tank trucks.

5083 aluminum plate is generally used for the tank body, the tank head an baffle. 5083 H111 is used for the tanker body. Aluminum 5083 h111 features superior performance in extreme environment such as industrial chemical environment. Its strength can keep changing after welding.

Aluminum 5083 h321 and h116 belong to marine grade aluminum sheet, which are used in oceans and lakes. The length and width requirements are high. .In addition, it must be certified by the classification society.

Aluminum 5083 H116 belongs to the hot-rolled aluminum sheet. To get this temper, it needs to undergo a particular degree of intergranular and exfoliation corrosion. By using continuous casting and rolling processing technology, it has good forming performance, excellent corrosion resistance and good weldability,

Aluminum 5083 h321 refers to a processing method in which 5083 aluminum sheet is hardened and subjected to low temperature heat treatment, or directly heated during processing, so as to obtain stable mechanical properties.

The mechanical properties of 5083 h321 are shown in its tensile strength (250℃MPa) of 275-350, yield strength of 210, hardness (HB) of 65, and elongation of 16. it is not difficult to find that 5083 h321 aluminum plate has high strength, excellent welding performance and better corrosion resistance than 5052 aluminium plate.

Original source: https://www.hm-alu.com/a/three-common-tempers-of-5083-aluminum-sheet-factory.html

Offset Printing: CTP Plates VS PS Plate

 The plate used in the CTF process is mainly PS plate, which is pre-coated photosensitive plate, which is developed to adapt to the rapid development of lithographic printing and offset printing. The PS plate features high resolution, full dot reproduction, rich layers, easy-to-master ink balance, and high printing endurance. It is popular in the printing industry.

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PS plate for offset printing is a kind of photosensitive offset printing plate material with multi-layer structure. It uses an aluminum plate as a support, and the aluminum plate is processed by a variety of processes. The common alloy is 1050 and1060 aluminum sheet. It has the following structures:

1. Rough surface particles: Rough surface particles are necessary for good printing plate. They can improve the adhesion to the exposure film, shorten the time of vacuuming, and reduce the occurrence of halo.

2. Sensitive layer: Compared with the different plate-making processes and the production processes of each plate manufacturer, the photosensitive layer will have a variety of different characteristics.

3. Hydrophilic layer: It can prevent the photosensitive coating from remaining in the micropores of the anodized layer, thus improving the hydrophilic properties and preventing the printing plate from being dirty during the printing process.

4. Anodized layer: The hardness, chemical stability and wear resistance of the aluminum plate is increased after anodizing treatment.

5. Grain structure: The electrolytic roughening process is used to form a fine grain structure on the surface of the aluminum base plate, which can make the printing plate have ideal dot reproduction conditions and good hydrophilicity.

6. Aluminum plate: The aluminum plate for making PS plate should be of stable size, high strength, and high purity.

Compared with PS plate, there are more types and varieties of CTP plates. The main types are silver salt, thermal and photopolymer printing plate.

The coating of the thermal CTP plate is composed of a temperature-sensitive polymer or ablation layer, which is mainly sensitive to infrared lasers from 800nm to 850nm. It can produce clean dots with clear edges, and basically no dot expansion or shrinkage.

In addition, the thermal plate can be baked to improve the printing durability, which is suitable for long printing or printing with UV ink. Therefore, thermal technology is more suitable for use in the commercial printing field.

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3003 Aluminum Strip for Radiator Fin

 3003 aluminum strip is often used to make radiator fin, which is welded to the radiator water pipe by brazing to form a radiator core. Due to the low yield strength of the aluminum alloy 3003 after brazing during use, the radiator core easily collapses during the brazing process. At the same time, the brazing core body is not high in compressive strength and is easily deformed during use.

To solve this problem, Haomei Aluminum improves the proportion of each alloy elements. It increases the content of silicon (Si), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn) and zirconium (Zr) on the basis of the 3003 standard aluminum alloy.

Among them, high content of silicon (Si) can form coarse grains during high temperature brazing process, thereby improving the support strength at high temperature. The ncrease of magnesium (Mg) content can significantly increase the yield strength of the aluminum fin stock and after brazing and improve the overall strength of the core body.

The increase of zinc (Zn) content can reduce the corrosion potential of aluminum alloy, thereby playing an electrochemical anti-corrosion effect, and significantly improving the service life of the radiator. At the same time, adding zirconium (Zr) element can form Zr A 13, which significantly improve the anti-collapse effect of the radiator at high temperatures.
For this application, 3003 aluminum strip is 0.007 mm thick and its collapse value is 10mm in the H14 state at a brazing temperature of 600°C for 10 minutes, while the standard 3003 aluminum alloy has a collapse value of 30mm under the same conditions.
The tensile strength of 3003 aluminum fin stock at room temperature is 205-245 MPa, the yield strength is not less than 160MPa, and a post-weld yield strength is not less than 55MPa. Yet the tensile strength of the traditional 3003 aluminum alloy is 145~195MPa, yield strength is not less than 115MPa, and the yield strength after welding is not less than 35MPa.
Haomei Aluminum is an experienced aluminum alloy manufacturer, providing rich kinds of aluminum strips for different applications. Welcome to leave message below to inquire what you need. 
Original source: http://www.aluminumstrip24.com/news/aluminum-strip-for-fin-stock.html

Tira de aluminio 3003 para aleta de radiador

 La tira de aluminio 3003 se usa a menudo para hacer la aleta del radiador, que se suelda a la tubería de agua del radiador mediante soldadura fuerte para formar un núcleo del radiador. Debido al bajo límite elástico de la aleación de aluminio 3003 después de la soldadura fuerte durante el uso, el núcleo del radiador se colapsa fácilmente durante el proceso de soldadura fuerte. Al mismo tiempo, el cuerpo del núcleo de soldadura fuerte no tiene una alta resistencia a la compresión y se deforma fácilmente durante el uso.


Para resolver este problema, Haomei Aluminium mejora la proporción de cada elemento de aleación. Aumenta el contenido de silicio (Si), magnesio (Mg), zinc (Zn) y circonio (Zr) sobre la base de la aleación de aluminio estándar 3003.

Entre ellos, el alto contenido de silicio (Si) puede formar granos gruesos durante el proceso de soldadura fuerte a alta temperatura, mejorando así la resistencia del soporte a alta temperatura. El aumento del contenido de magnesio (Mg) puede aumentar significativamente el límite elástico del material de aletas de aluminio y después de la soldadura fuerte y mejorar la resistencia general del cuerpo del núcleo.

El aumento del contenido de zinc (Zn) puede reducir el potencial de corrosión de la aleación de aluminio, lo que produce un efecto anticorrosión electroquímico y mejora significativamente la vida útil del radiador. Al mismo tiempo, la adición del elemento de circonio (Zr) puede formar Zr A 13, que mejora significativamente el efecto anti-colapso del radiador a altas temperaturas.

Para esta aplicación, la tira de aluminio 3003 tiene un grosor de 0,007 mm y su valor de colapso es de 10 mm en el estado H14 a una temperatura de soldadura fuerte de 600 ° C durante 10 minutos, mientras que la aleación de aluminio 3003 estándar tiene un valor de colapso de 30 mm en las mismas condiciones.

La resistencia a la tracción de la aleta de aluminio 3003 a temperatura ambiente es de 205-245 MPa, el límite elástico no es inferior a 160 MPa y el límite elástico posterior a la soldadura no es inferior a 55 MPa. Sin embargo, la resistencia a la tracción de la aleación de aluminio tradicional 3003 es de 145 ~ 195 MPa, el límite elástico no es inferior a 115 MPa y el límite elástico después de la soldadura no es inferior a 35 MPa.

Haomei Aluminium es un fabricante experimentado de aleaciones de aluminio que ofrece tipos ricos de tiras de aluminio para diferentes aplicaciones. Bienvenido a dejar un mensaje a continuación para consultar lo que necesita.

Fuente original: https://www.placadealuminio.es/a/tira-de-aluminio-3003-para-aleta-de-radiador.html

1100 Aluminum Sheet VS 3003 Aluminum

 Brazing is a joining method in which the molten filler material (solder) whose melting point is lower than the workpiece to be welded is heated to it and has sufficient fluidity to fully fill the gap between the two workpieces by capillary action. After solidification, the two workpieces are joined.

Those with a temperature higher than 427 °C are called brazing, and vice versa. The solder of aluminum-based brazing process has the advantage of low density. The raw material of heat exchanger is 1100 aluminum tube and 3003 aluminum. They like to use this brazing for making heat exchanger.

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According to the reverse T-shaped fluidity test, it was impossible to join at 590 °C. Because the temperature was too low, the fluidity was not good, and the melting amount was not enough for the material to be joined. The critical condition for successful brazing is 610°C heating for 45 minutes.

In addition, according to the tensile test results of 3003 aluminum sheet, it is found that the heat treatment temperature is 610°C for 45 minutes or 60 minutes, the properties of the fins are stable, and the strength is only slightly lower than before heating. It is not that the heat treatment causes the strength of the fins to decrease, but the weld bead has higher strength.

1100 aluminum sheet is an ordinary non-heat treatment strengthening with 99.0% aluminum content. It has low strength but good ductility, formability, weldability and corrosion resistance. After anodizing, the corrosion resistance can be further improved while obtaining a beautiful surface.

Haomei Aluminum has both kinds of 1000 and 3000 aluminum sheet for sale. Welcome to leave message below to inquire what you need.

Original source: https://www.hm-alu.com/a/1100-aluminum-sheet-vs-3003-aluminum.html

The Welding Characteristics of 3xxx and 5xxx Aluminum Alloy

 Aluminum alloy has good corrosion resistance, high specific strength and thermal conductivity, and can maintain good mechanical properties at low temperatures. It is widely used in aerospace, automotive, electrical, chemical, transportation, national defense and other industrial sectors .

To master the weldability characteristics of aluminum alloy, welding operation technology and defect preventive measures, etc., is very important for correctly formulating aluminum alloy welding process, obtaining good joint performance and expanding the application range of aluminum alloys.

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The weldability characteristics of aluminum alloy

1. Aluminum and oxygen have a great affinity, so there is always a layer of refractory aluminum oxide film on the surface of aluminum that far exceeds the melting point of aluminum. This oxide film is insoluble in metal. The oxide film should be removed or destroyed during welding or brazing.

2. During fusion welding, the weldability of aluminum alloy is first reflected in the crack resistance. Adding copper, manganese, silicon, magnesium, zinc and other alloying elements to aluminum can obtain alloys with different properties. Various alloying elements have different effects on aluminum alloy welding cracks.

3. The solid and liquid colors of aluminum alloys are not easy to distinguish, and it is difficult to control the temperature of the molten pool during welding.

4. After welding, the weld is prone to porosity, and the welded joint area is prone to softening

Relative weldability of 3xxx and 5xxx aluminum alloys

Welding method

Welding performance and Applicable thickness

Al-Mn 3xxx

Al-Mg 5xxx

Applicable Thickness

Welding 3003 aluminum

3004 aluminum





Best scope














Pulse MIG welding






Gas welding


Very poor

Relatively poor



Electrode arc welding


Very poor

Relatively poor



Resistance welding






Plasma arc welding






Electron beam welding






Haomei Aluminum has different aluminum alloys like the popular 5083 aluminum plate, 5052 aluminum sheet, 3003 aluminum plate, 5086 aluminum alloy. Welcome to leave message below to inquire what you need.

Color Coated Aluminum Strip 1mm

  The   color coated aluminum strip   is widely used in ceiling ,shutter, roof surfaces, cans, electronic products and other fields because ...